10 Great iPad Apps for Autistic Children- from the blog, Vitamin B12 Patch
10 Revolutionary Apps to Help Autistic Children
40 amazing iPad Apps for the Learning Disabled
60 Minutes Episode on the iPad:
Autism Apps- from Autism Speaks
Best iPad Apps for Autism- 5 apps reviewed
Dr. Gary Brown's Autism Apps- colors, numbers, shapes, letters
How the iPad Works with Academics for Autism:
iPad Apps and Resources for People with Autism- spreadsheet created by Shannon Rosa, (parent of a child with autism) Corina Becker, (an Autistic adult with a BA in English) and Jordan Sadler. (speech-language pathologist) Very extensive listing!
iPad Educational Apps- all under $10.00 each
iTaalk's Top 30 Starter Apps for Special Education- all 30 for under $50.00!!
SNApps4Kids (Special Needs Apps for Kids)- click here to view apps for the iPad
Top iPad Apps for Children with Autism- from the blog Autism Key; list of 8 apps
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